Launched in 2010, the International Congress of Coaching Psychology (ICCP) events have had a key aim of bringing the global coaching psychology community together. The collaborating organisations promote and host a congress event in their own region. They are responsible for financing and organising their event. Congress events are listed on the ICCP website. At this current time 15 psychology/coaching psychology groups from around the globe are collaborating and we will keep you informed as this collaboration grows.

The International Congress of Coaching Psychology (ICCP) forum has an international steering committee that liaise with each other over international congress dates and communicate with their own professional body committees and members about international events. The collaborating organisations keep their members up-to-date with the international congress events. It was agreed by the committee in 2017 that other relevant conferences hosted by the ICCP Forum members would also be listed on the ICCP website.

As approved by the steering committee, the website is sponsored and maintained by the International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) on behalf of the collaborating organisations in the ICCP forum. Prof Stephen Palmer deals with the day-to-day ICCP enquiries and assists in promoting the congress events. The ISCP provide a member of their administration to team, Tracy Hodgson, to deal with occasional administrative items that may arise from maintaining the website and contact with the website members.

In 2025 the congress title in each region will be: 15th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2025.

Contact: Tracy Hodgson for general administration and website items: