Masterclass Title: Coaching Through a Regenerative Lens: An Introduction.
Dr Alison Whybrow
Date: 4th October, 2021
Masterclass booking (ISCP Members can obtain a £10 discount using the booking code: ISCP2021)
What is it that we can uniquely do that the world of tomorrow needs? In the face of global ecological and human fragility, locked into a system that increases the depth of suffering we and other species are already experiencing, we struggle to reimagine our collective ways of living and being. The climate and ecological crisis is not a crisis of science, it’s a crisis of human behaviour. Behaviour that emanates from a story of who we are and our place in the world that runs against the fundamental reality of this earth that we are part of. Against this context, there is a clear opportunity for coaches, coaching psychologists and psychology practitioners to catalyse re-connection and re-storying in ways that facilitate wholeness and empowers us towards a flourishing future. We will explore the idea of regenerative coaching.
The aim of the Masterclass is to raise awareness of your personal relationship to our shared climate and ecological crisis, and your own insight into what and how you can start to reimagine and repattern your life and practice towards a place of flourishing. This masterclass offers a punctuation point on your journey, this is unlikely to be the beginning and it won’t be the end. The intention is to catalyse through individual and group learning.
We will be using elements of Joanna Macy’s work, in particular, the work that reconnects that you can read about in her book with Chris Johnston, Active hope (2012). We entwine story, metaphor and somatic practices. We will draw on living systems principles (systems thinking and complexity approaches) as guides. Gestalt practice is possibly at the heart. The act of being and becoming through a group process also informs the design.
We will work with the principles of gratitude, purpose and story, and explore:
- How we connect with the unfolding climate and ecological crisis.
- How we make sense of this wider context in relation to our personal habits.
- How we make sense of this in relation to our practice.
There will be a short presentation, with some pre-event resources shared. The session will focus on experiential learning, dialogue and practical tools and techniques
Practical significance and contribution
There are three narratives in the coaching and social field that we want to challenge. First, that it’s unethical to raise awareness of the climate and ecological crisis with our coaching clients. Second, and more broadly, that there is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of crisis and collapse. Third, a sustainable way of living requires us to ‘go back to the dark ages’ and give up the dream of progress. All of these narratives reduce our capacity to respond effectively and can push us deeper into the current dysfunction. Through this masterclass we want you to sense the importance of working with this very big system perspective, and enhance your confidence and readiness to do so in a way that has integrity and resonance with your practice. Further, we aim to leave you with a sense of agency and possibly, a tiny insight into the ease and abundance that can come from aligning with this regenerative perspective.
Macy, J., & Johnstone, C. (2012). Active hope: How to face the mess we’re in without going crazy. New World Library.
Dr Alison Whybrow is a chartered and registered psychologist, Alison co-founded the Climate Coaching Alliance in November 2019 with Eve Turner & Josie McLean. In the knowledge that when faced with a problem, community is the answer, the CCA has over 300 members around the world, and has inspired systemic shifts in the coaching profession and individual practice. Alison talks on regenerative coaching and is always learning.
Email: alison@alisonwhybrow.com
Masterclass booking (ISCP Member 10% discount Code: ISCP2021)