Prof Stephen Palmer PhD FISCP FAC (Hon) FIHPE (Hon) FISMA (Hon)
Academic Chair of the 10th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2020
Listed below are the papers Professor Palmer is giving at this congress:
Invited Paper: Marcela Almeida Alves with Prof Stephen Palmer & Prof Maria João Gouveia
Promoting Wellbeing and Health at Workplaces: Developing an online version of BeST Programme
Prof Stephen Palmer PhD is President and Fellow of both the International Society for Coaching Society (ISCP), and the International Stress Management Association Professor of Practice at the Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Applied Research, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, and Adjunct Professor of Coaching Psychology at Aalborg University, Denmark. Stephen is Coordinating Director of the ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research, and Founder Director of the Centre for Coaching, London.
Stephen has written/edited over 50 books and has published over 225 articles. His books include the Handbook of Coaching Psychology (with Whybrow), Positive Psychology Coaching in Practice (with Green), Cognitive Behavioural Coaching in Practice (with Neenan) and Solution Focused Coaching in Practice (with O’Connell and Williams), The Coaching Relationship: Putting People First (with McDowell), Developmental Coaching: Life Transitions and Generational Perspectives (with Panchal) and The Heart of Coaching Supervision: Working with Reflection and Self-Care (with Turner). (Books listed on his Amazon book page.)