Date: 7th October, 2020, 14:00 – 18:00 BST
Masterclass B: Positive Psychology Coaching for Teams in On-Line Contexts
Dr Ilona Boniwell
The Covid-19 pandemics has thrown the world of work in chaos, with many organisations having to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. Many of the teams used to cooperating around an office base have found themselves needing to operate virtually, often without clarity on operating modalities, new task distribution or performance expectations. Individual level pressures, such as health concerns, home-schooling one’s children and merged home-work boundaries added to rising stress and exhaustion. How can positive psychology as a discipline be of use under such circumstances? What can coaches do to bring more positivity into on-line interactions between team members? How can collective efficacy and agility be optimised under remote conditions? What positive organisational practices are most suitable for on-line delivery?
We will address the above questions by drawing on my practical experience of accompanying multiple remote teams through the pandemics and by experimenting interventions using newly formed on-line teams.
Programme outline:
• From individual to team resilience: Identifying and acting on team resilience levers
• Strengthening the team: TeamScope+ strengths debrief
• Optimising team resources through collective job crafting
• Using positive organisational practices to enhance team well-being, engagement and performance
Professor Ilona Boniwell is one of the founders of positive psychologist in Europe, working in the field for over 20 years, originally mentored by Martin Seligman. She heads the International MSc in Positive Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University, teaches at CentraleSupelec and HEC, wrote or edited seven books, delivered over 200 keynotes, founded the ENPP and was the first vice-chair of the IPPA. Nowadays, as a director of Positran, Ilona delivers advanced professional training in positive psychology, having trained thousands of coaching and training professionals around the world. She worked for the Government of Bhutan on happiness based public policy and currently consults the Government of UAE around the development of the toolkit for workplace positivity and organisational well-being assessment.