Congress Theme: Advances in coaching psychology theory, research and practice from around the world
Pre-Recorded Congress Programme is being developed. Watch this space.
The pre-recorded Symposium programme is now available: Coaching Psychology in Education: Enhancing Students’ Learning, Creativity and Well-Being. Symposium Chair: Dr Qing Wang
Unfolding executive coaches’ identity work through the social constructivist lens: Coach–coachee–organisation with Dr Yi-Ling Lai PhD CPsychol Southampton Business School, Faculty of Social Science, University of Southampton
This study investigates coaches’ professional identity development through a socially contextualised lens. Coaches, as the freelancer, encounter complex working relationships with clients due to multiple contracting entities; yet coaches’ identity development has been neglected in the extant training and development courses. This qualitative study identifies three layers of sub‐identity for coaches to handle a multi‐level working relationship with clients.