Prof Charles Martin-Krumm
Invited Paper: Positive Psychology and coaching psychology in France: Levers and barriers.
Prof. Charles Martin-Krumm with Wendy-Ann Smith
Positive psychology is becoming a permanent fixture in the international scientific landscape, with coaching psychology following. The domains positive psychology (PP) in application are multiple, with benefits recognised from many scientific supports, coaching psychology (CP) less known but growing. However, in France, PP still arouses suspicion and PP relatively unknown. Is PP just a current trend: an innovative personal development domain? Is it a tool at the service of liberal economic strategies? Is it the manifestation of an instrumentalisation of well-being in companies? The purpose of this presentation is to point out potential reasons for perceived resistance to positive psychology and coaching psychology, an original form of coaching. It will also outline why we should be optimistic about PP and PC’s future in France.
Prof. Charles Martin-Krumm, Associate Editor of European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, Gold Medallist of the French Sports Ministry. Full Professor of psychology, Director of the Research Lab of the EPP Paris, my general area of interest is the processes in which optimism in its direct or indirect forms is involved to predict resilience, performance, wellbeing, emotions and health, and the effects of physical activity on quality of physical activity. Reviewer in several scientific journals, I have published 8 books and more than a hundred of articles, book chapters, conference abstracts or contributions in professional journals. I have performed several talks as invited speaker and been member of numerous scientific conferences.
Email: charles.martinkrumm@gmail.com