Date: 6th October, 2020, 14:00 – 18:00 BST
Masterclass C: Accentuate the Positive in Family Life: A Positive and Coaching Psychology Approach
Dr Kimberly Allen
Positive psychology is a staple in the practice of coaching psychology. Appling positivity in interpersonal relationships is a staple in the practice of family science. What if the best practices of each were to come together to help coaches support familial relationships through coaching? This workshop will provide an overview of the best practices of interpersonal relationships as they relate to coaching with a focus on Gottman’s 5:1 “magic ratio” and Active Constructive Responding technique in coaching. Participants will leave the session with an increased knowledge of best practices in family science, will gain resources for promoting healthy relationships through family life coaching, and will practice positive psychology techniques for use in relationship or family life coaching.
Kimberly Allen, Ph.D., BCC, CFLE is a Professor and Director of Graduate Programs in Youth, Family, and Community Sciences at North Carolina State University. Dr. Allen has expertise in parenting, family life coaching, and relationship education. Dr. Allen is author of the book Theory, Research, and Practical Guidelines for Family Life Coaching.
Email: kiallen@ncsu.edu