Reciprocal agreements with other professional bodies & organisations

The International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) has reciprocal agreements with other professional bodies.
Currently the ISCP has Memorandum of Understandings (MOU) with the following organisations:
- Society for Industrial & Organisational Psychology South Africa (SIOPSA), SIOPSA Interest Group in Coaching and Consulting Psychology (IGCCP),
- Society for Coaching Psychology Italy (SCPI),
- Israel Association for Coaching Psychology (IACP)*,
- Col·legi Oficial de Psicòlegs de Catalunya (COPC),
- Coachande Psykologer (Sweden),
- Hungarian Association for Coaching Psychology (HACP),
- Hungarian Psychological Association (HPA),
- New Zealand Psychological Society Coaching Psychology Special Interest Group (NZPsS CPSIG, New Zealand),
- American Psychological Association, Society of Consulting Psychology (Division 13, APA),
- Society for Evidence Based Coaching of the Danish Psychological Society (SEBC DPS),
- Swiss Society for Coaching Psychology (SSCP),
- Singapore Psychological Society Coaching Psychology Special Interest Group (SPS Coaching Psychology SIG).
These agreements bring benefits to members of all the organisations involved.
The International Society also has a reciprocal relationship with Coaching at Work magazine.