Invited Paper: The Coaching Alliance in video-mediated coaching
Dr Alanna Henderson
Video-mediated coaching has an embryonic research base, with mixed findings on its effectiveness and on the feasibility of establishing comparable rapport and relational opportunities in video-mediated e-coaching, as in face-to-face coaching (Deniers, 2019). Meanwhile, in the wake of COVID-19 coronavirus, constraints on human contact has encouraged rapidly escalating coach take-up of video media such as the Zoom videoconferencing platform as a coaching medium in the absence of studies examining the role of the e-coaching relationship in its use. Using semi-structured interviews conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, of 4 coaches who provide video-mediated coaching and face-to-face coaching, this study began to explore this gap in the research by examining experiences of coaches in forming their e-coaching relationships via video-mediated coaching with their coachees. Results of key themes, identified through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), will be presented and be discussed with reference to study limitations, implications for coaching relationships and e-coaching research, coach competencies and practice, and coach training.
Deniers, C. (2019). Experiences of receiving career coaching via Skype: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. International Journal of Evidence-based Coaching and Mentoring, 17(1), 72-81.
Dr Alanna Henderson PhD CPsychol MISCP Accred is a practising coaching psychologist. With a PhD and several book chapters and peer-reviewed articles on the coaching relationship and related topics, she is a Consulting Editor of The Coaching Psychologist, and was previously Co-Editor of Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice. Alanna is also an Associate Lecturer on the MSc in Career Management and Coaching at Birkbeck University, London.
Email: alanna@alannahenderson.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4612-6958