ISCP Anthony Grant Lecture, 2020
Keynote: The Positivity Prescription: The role of positive psychology psychoeducation in an evidence-based coaching context
Prof Suzy Green
It is now widely accepted that coaching is for the enhancement of both
performance and wellbeing. The increasing interest in wellbeing in the
workplace and our communities more broadly has also highlighted the
gaps in knowledge and skills that many coachees, and it is argued many
coaches, have in regard to psychological and wellbeing literacy and
capability. In terms of creating “psychologically literate citizens” it has
been argued that the field of Positive Psychology perhaps provides a key
body of knowledge on which “psychologically literate citizens can
problem-solve in an ethical and socially responsible manner in a way that
directly benefits their communities” (Cranney & Dunn, 2011). This
presentation will argue for the role of psycho-education to complement
coaching and in particular positive psychology coaching. The 6M Model
of Flourishing (Green, 2019) will be presented as an aid for both coach
and coachee to determine areas of strength and areas for development.
Prof Suzy Green D.Psyc.(Clin.) MAPS
Founder & CEO, The Positivity Institute
Prof Suzy Green is a Clinical and Coaching Psychologist (MAPS) and Founder and CEO of The Positivity Institute, a positively deviant organisation dedicated to the research and application of Positive Psychology for life, school and work. She is a leader in the complementary fields of Coaching Psychology and Positive Psychology having conducted a world-first study on evidence-based coaching as an Applied Positive Psychology. Suzy was the recipient of an International Positive Psychology Fellowship Award and has published in the Journal of Positive Psychology. She lectured on Applied Positive Psychology as a Senior Adjunct Lecturer in the Coaching Psychology Unit, University of Sydney for ten years and is an Honorary Vice President of the International Society for Coaching Psychology. Suzy is an Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of East London and also holds Honorary Academic positions at the Centre for Positive Psychology, University of Melbourne, the Black Dog Institute and she is an Affiliate of the Institute for Well-Being, Cambridge University. Suzy was the Stress-less Expert for Australian Women’s Health Magazine and the Positive Psychology Expert for Muse Magazine. Suzy is an official ambassador for the Starlight Children’s Foundation and she maintains a strong media profile appearing on television, radio and in print.
Email: suzy@thepositivityinstitute.com.au