Invited Paper (Pre-recorded Stream): Best Practice Coach Development: What’s got us to here, won’t get us to where we now need to be.
Dr Travis J Kemp PhD
As coaches we are first and foremost, helpers. Implicit in this assertion are a string of assumptions that guide coaching practice. Coaching is effective and we know what to do, when to do it and who to do it with. However, as helpers, we must also subscribe to, and advocate for, the Hippocratic Oath and its cornerstone commitment; First, do no harm. So how do we know when we are helping and when we are harming our clients and more importantly, when we don’t know, how do we challenge ourselves and each other and hold ourselves to account?
As the scientific body of knowledge that informs coaching methods and efficacy continues to grow, the more methodologically diverse and ethically complex the practice of Coaching has. With this comes a realisation that it is not simply what coaches do, but who they are, and how they relate with and to clients that determines their efficacy as facilitators of growth and development.
Hence, Coaches can be seen primarily as instruments of change rather than simply as purveyors and practitioners of models or methods and as is the case with all instruments, they must be maintained and calibrated regularly and accurately. To date, our approaches to doing this have advanced in-line with our understanding of Coaching and Coaching Psychology. We now find ourselves at a point in our discipline’s maturation that requires a new approach to coach development. Growth Focussed Therapy.
This presentation will explore these challenges and outline methods and approaches that will challenge coaches to optimise their impact and efficacy. By engaging in structured, therapist lead psychotherapeutic processes and interventions that serve to advance their personal insight, self-awareness and cognitive-behavioural repertoire Coaches can ensure that they remain accurate and well calibrated instruments for human growth and change.
Dr Travis J. Kemp PhD, MA, MBA, MSSc, GradDipPsychSt, GradDipSSc, BEd (PE), DipClinHyp, FAICD, FIML, FCPHR, FAPS, FCOP, FCSEP, FCCOUNS, HonVPISCP(Accred), CMgr.
Consultant Organisational Psychologist, Executive Advisor & Independent Company Director, Adjunct Professor, UniSA Business School
Travis is recognised by both industry and professional peers and clients internationally as being amongst Australia’s leading practitioners and thought leaders in the fields of executive coaching, strategic leadership, peak performance, and organisational psychology. In a career spanning more than 35 years he has worked extensively with board, executive and c-suite leaders, their teams and their organisations across NYSE and ASX listed companies, BRW Top 100 private companies, SME’s, technology start-up, federal, state and local government and not-for-profit sectors and across all industries and professions including defence, technology, science, medicine, biotechnology, health, law, accounting, consulting, mining, engineering, construction, professional services, FMCG, pharmaceutical, telecommunications, financial services, agriculture and banking.
His work focusses on identifying, developing and optimising performance and impact of individual leaders, their teams and their enterprises, diagnosing and solving complex leadership and organisational performance challenges and refining, communicating and executing enterprise strategy through effective leadership and evidence-based human and group dynamics. He holds degrees across the disciplines of Physical Education, Psychology, Social Science and Business Administration and his diverse leadership experience and expertise spans enterprise leadership, performance and development, human capital, organisational sustainability, innovation, culture, commercial operations, and transformational change.
Professionally, Travis is a registered Psychologist with area of practice endorsement in Organisational, Exercise & Sport and Counselling Psychology, an internationally accredited Coaching Psychologist, a Certified Human Resources Professional, and an experienced independent Company Director. As a result, Travis brings a rich diversity of understanding, competency, capability and insight to the context of enterprise leadership. Previously, he has held a range of senior leadership roles including Managing Director of The Teleran Group Pty. Ltd., Leadership and Talent Director at Lee Hecht Harrison (Australia & New Zealand), MBA Director at the University of South Australia, Global Program Manager for Leadership Assessment at Electronic Data Systems Corporation (EDS) (now Hewlett Packard) and Manager, Human Resources (Asia Pacific) for Faulding Pharmaceuticals (now Hospira). He has also held a range of non-executive Board appointments including Surf Lifesaving SA, Built Environs Pty Ltd (Now Maconnel Dowell), PlanDo Pty Ltd and BeIntent Pty Ltd. and was a founding non-executive Director of not for profit charity The Helmsman Project Ltd
He is currently an Adjunct Professor in the University of South Australia’s Business School. For 10 years he was Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the Coaching Psychology Unit at the University of Sydney and was a member of the core team within the world’s first Masters degree in Coaching Psychology. He has published widely in the professional and research literature on leadership, executive performance, education and executive coaching, is co-editor of the international scientific journal, the International Coaching Psychology Review and Editorial Panel Member of The Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal. In 2005, in collaboration with his Sydney University colleagues Anthony Grant and Michael Cavanagh, Travis co-edited the world’s first evidence based coaching psychology text, Evidence Based Coaching Volume 1: Theory, Practice & Research from the Behavioural Sciences and is the co-author (with Annie McKee and Gordon Spence) of Management: A focus on leaders, an innovative post-graduate Leadership text in use in multiple post-graduate business programs in Australia.
Travis is Chartered Manager with the UK Chartered Management Institute and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Leadership & Management, the Australian Psychological Society, the Australian Human Resources Institute and the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is a past Scientific Advisory Council Member for the Institute of Coaching, McLean Hospital, Harvard University and an Honorary Vice President and Accredited Coaching Psychologist with the International Society for Coaching Psychology where he is also an Honorary Research Fellow and Member of the ISCP Research Centre Advisory Board. With a strong commitment to community service, Travis has served as an Officer and Psychologist in the Australian Army Reserve and has been an active Surf Lifesaver for 40 years, being awarded the National Medal for Service in 2016. He is also a volunteer Firefighter with the Burnside Brigade of the South Australian Country Fire Service (CFS).