Keynote: How do we create relationships able to hold re-connection and recovery?
Dr Alison Whybrow
The map towards the best of the future is beguilingly simple it “has nothing to do with hatred and killing, but simply people reconnecting with themselves, each other, and our sacred, shattered Earth (Manos, 2009, p. 386).
We are faced with the burgeoning awareness of ecological and human fragility, whilst being locked into a system that worsens the damage daily. Coaching and coaching psychology has much to offer as a catalyst towards a different future story, one where we don’t need to be locked in by past habits. Wide angled lenses and wiser ways of knowing allows re-connection to self, to others and to the systems that we are an integral part of.
In this presentation, we will explore:
• the gifts that coaching brings in our current context
• the landscape of re-connections
• the self-work required to skill ourselves to partner fully with our coachees and their spoken and unspoken needs.
We will draw on a deep understanding of the interconnectivity of all things, and an expanding toolkit of approaches to help reconsider our stories, our lives and our practice.
Manos, J. (2009). Ghetto Plainsman. Temba House Press: USA
Dr Alison Whybrow is a chartered and registered psychologist, Alison co-founded the Climate Coaching Alliance in November 2019 with Eve Turner & Josie McLean. In the knowledge that when faced with a problem, community is the answer, the CCA has over 300 members around the world, and has inspired systemic shifts in the coaching profession and individual practice. Alison talks on regenerative coaching and is always learning.
Email: alison@alisonwhybrow.com