Special Keynote: What we shall not forget: Tribute to Albert Bandura
Dr Diana Aguiar Vieira (CEOS.PP, ISCAP Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal)
At the age of 95, before going to bed for the last time in his life, Bandura wrote some more lines of his new book. This shows the man behind the Social Cognitive Theory. Bandura´s energy, geniality, creativity and humbleness were some of his qualities as a person and as an academic. One of the most influential psychologists of all time, Bandura´s work has been widely researched worldwide. This keynote will briefly address Bandura´s contributions to theory, research and practice, highlighting his main achievements and their importance to psychology and, specifically to coaching psychology. We will present research on the Self-Efficacy Coaching Model, followed by several suggestions to guide future studies and practice in this area. Being aware that this presentation will be only a modest and inevitably incomplete tribute, we hope to honour his work and inspire future research on social cognitive theory in the field of coaching psychology.
Dr Diana Aguiar Vieira PhD is a Psychologist and Associate Professor at the Porto Accounting and Business School (ISCAP), Polytechnic of Porto (P.PORTO), Portugal. she is the Founder of the ICAReAlumni community (https://icarealumni.com/), she was Pro-Rector of P.PORTO (2013-2018) for the Alumni Strategy. Consulting Editor for the “International Journal of Coaching Psychology” and “The European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology”. She developed the Coaching Skills Self-Efficacy Scale (CSSES; Vieira, 2011) and her research on coaching has been guided by the Self-Efficacy Coaching Model. Her site (www.beyou-bemore.com) aims to share her knowledge with the general public.