Integrating socio-cognitive mindfulness and coaching psychology: An intervention development study
Katie Crabtree
Introduction: The literature suggests that socio-cognitive mindfulness (Langer, 1989) is a suitable theory from which to develop a wellbeing coaching intervention due to its focus on environmental mastery and its links to increased wellbeing and performance outcomes. The purpose of this study is to build upon the current research by developing a coaching intervention based on socio-cognitive mindfulness theory and evidence-based strategies.
Methods: The Medical Research Council’s updated framework for developing complex interventions (Skivington et al., 2021) is used to guide the research methods selected during the early design phase of intervention development. This included a literature review, a systematic review and a qualitative acceptability study. The accumulated findings from the studies were triangulated to produce a logic model to articulate the programme theory of the intervention. The lead author integrated her experiential learning and reflective practices as a coaching psychologist to operationalise the logic model into a prototype of the intervention, which is outlined using the template for intervention description and replication (TIDierR) checklist (Hoffmann et al., 2014).
Findings: The resulting logic model captures how the wellbeing coaching programme purports to work. The mechanisms of the model include the establishment of a safe and personalised coaching environment which incorporates coaching methods to facilitate the activation of five socio-cognitive mindfulness psychological processes. By targeting meaningful wellbeing goals and repeatedly stimulating and integrating states of socio-cognitive mindfulness into daily routines over an extended period, participants can potentially develop trait socio-cognitive mindfulness and increase the chances of sustaining holistic wellbeing outcomes.
Conclusion: The intervention prototype is the result of an accumulation of evidence-based theory and practitioner reflections. However, it should now be feasibility tested prior to a full study to address some of the outstanding key uncertainties, such as who the intervention appeals to, whether participants adhere to the programme as intended and which wellbeing measures are most likely to improve.
Keywords: Socio-cognitive mindfulness, wellbeing coaching, coaching psychology, intervention development
Katie Crabtree is a Chartered Coaching Psychologist with the British Psychological Society and a Senior Practitioner Coach with the European Mentoring & Coaching Council. Katie is qualified as a Registered Applied Psychology Practice Supervisor with the BPS and offers coaching supervision services to coaching psychologists and professional coaches. Katie also co-directs a coaching and consulting business which provides leadership development and continuous improvement solutions to individuals and organisations.
Katie is currently studying for a PhD in Population Health Sciences at Newcastle University and previously completed a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology. Her current research project focuses on integrating socio-cognitive mindfulness into coaching to promote wellbeing development.