Date: 8th October, 2020, 14:00 – 18:00 BST
Masterclass D: Navigating adversity and enhancing resilience with Acceptance and Commitment Coaching
Dr Rachael Skews
The key aim of Acceptance and Commitment Coaching is to develop the skill of psychological flexibility. Psychological flexibility encompasses how humans can be in touch with all life experiences in a mindful and present way, without needless and unhelpful responses to difficult and challenging life events that can prevent us from living a meaningful and vital life. This psychological skill helps us navigate adversity more effectively, and build resilience, by employing values-focused action, mindfulness, and acceptance.
The workshop will outline how Acceptance and Commitment Coaching can support coachee’s to develop greater psychological flexibility. We will cover the theory and scientific evidence for psychological flexibility as a general health and wellbeing benefit for coachee’s. We will also cover how psychological flexibility helps coachee’s to perform more effectively in difficult work situations. The workshop will draw on scientific research, some of which from the current global pandemic. The workshop will provide delegates with practical coaching tools they can use with their coaching clients.
Dr Rachael Skews is part of the Science and Strategy team at Headspace, a multinational mindfulness organisation whose mission is to improve the health and happiness of the world. Rachael leads the Health Coaching team at Headspace. Prior to this, Rachael was a lecturer at the Institute of Management Studies at Goldsmiths College, where she ran the MSc in Occupational Psychology and PGCert in Coaching programmes.