Masterclass Title: The Rational Practitioner: The Application of Rational Emotive Behaviour Coaching (REBC) within sport and work
Dr Martin Turner
Date: 5th October, 2021
Masterclass booking (ISCP Members can obtain a £10 discount using the booking code: ISCP2021)
In recent years, the reported application of REBC within performance settings such as sport and work has grown in research and professional practice literature. Broadly, the evidence-base indicates that REBC is received well and is demonstrably effective in these performance settings. At the core of REBC is the challenging of client irrational beliefs, and the development of rational beliefs. These tasks are completed in service of helping clients to adapt to pressure and adversity in a healthy and helpful manner. In this masterclass, Dr. Turner outlines the core theoretical and practical tenets of REBC, shares research findings concerning the role of irrational and rational beliefs in performance and mental health, and shares how he applies REBC in high-pressure performance settings. Dr. Turner also explores the recent developments in this applied research area, detailing new studies across a range of performance settings. Data is examined and key findings are contextualised within both the REBC and performance literatures. Applied issues stemming from Dr. Turner’s consultancy experience within performance settings will also be covered, exploring the integration of REBC into high performance environments such as sport and work.
Dr. Martin J. Turner is a Reader in Psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University. He is a BPS Chartered and HCPC Registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist, and an Associate Fellow of the BPS. He is most known for his award-winning work applying rational emotive behaviour theory (REBT) within achievement settings. Martin was the recipient of the 2019 Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) outstanding achievement award for research.
Contact email address: m.turner@mmu.ac.uk
Masterclass booking (ISCP Member £10 discount Code: ISCP2021)