Sponsors & Supporters, 2023
The International Society for Coaching Psychology is the member from the International Congress of Coaching Psychology Forum that is co-sponsoring and organising the 2023 virtual congress. A number of the ICCP Forum members are also supporting partners of the virtual congress.
The International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) launched in 2008, is an international professional membership body established to further the discipline and profession of coaching psychology. With the growing interest in coaching psychology around the world, the ISCP hopes to encourage the development of the theory, research and practice in coaching psychology and support coaching psychologists in their work. We hold congresses and masterclasses, publish Coaching Psychology International, sponsor the International Journal of Coaching Psychology and run the ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research.
Society for Industrial & Organisational Psychology of South Africa (SIOPSA) is a member-based, non-profit organisation established to enhance the Industrial and Organisational Psychology profession in South Africa. As human behaviour specialists in a workplace, SIOPSA translates the scientific body of industrial and organisational (IO) psychology knowledge into fit-for-purpose practices to promote business objectives, and help employees flourish. To this end, SIOPSA exists to serve its members and strives to create conditions in which IO psychologists will be able to deliver efficient and effective services to the benefit of all in South Africa.

SIOPSA Interest Group in Coaching & Consulting Psychology, South Africa (IGCCP SA).
SIOPSA formed the Consulting in Psychology Interest Group during the annual conference in June 2006. Our interest group has, since its inception, focused primarily on establishing and growing a sustainable framework for Consulting – and now both Coaching and Consulting Psychology – in South Africa. The IGCCP (under the auspices of SIOPSA) works closely with its international peers in order to professionalise the coaching industry, as professional bodies have an important and strategic role to play in this process.

The Hungarian Association for Coaching Psychology (HACP) was established in 2008 by a group of enthusiastic counselling and organizational psychologists and non-psychologist coaches. The mission of HACP is to promote evidence-based coaching psychology and coaching practice in Hungary. We provide training, mentoring and supervision for coaching psychologists. Recently, we took part in establishing and running the first coaching psychologist postgraduate program in Hungary. Moreover, we cooperate strongly with ISCP and follow the ISCP MISCPAccred certification system.

The members of the Society of Consulting Psychology (APA Division 13) share a commitment to apply psychological insights for the success and fulfillment of individuals, groups, and organizations. The Society strives to be a strong intellectual and collegial community that is a source of valuable insights and useful resources, as we continuously expand the knowledge base of our profession.
The Society for Coaching Psychology (SCP Italy) is the Italian independent professional body of Coaching Psychology, active since 2011. It’s purpose is to enhance the culture of coaching through psychological skills in service of the uniqueness of individuals and the complexity of organizations. In 2021 a second level MOU was signed with ISCP and the ISCP Italy Research Hub was launched. With the Università Europea di Roma SCP Italy leads the 60 CFUs Master in Business Coaching Psychology. In 2023 The Italian Manifesto for Supervision in Coaching was published together with EMCC Italia, ICF Italia, and AICP and, furthermore, the Italian translation of Introduction to Coaching Psychology (O’Riordan & Palmer, 2021) was published. For more information, see https://www.scpitaly.it
Singapore Psychological Society Coaching Psychology Special Interest Group (SPS Coaching Psychology SIG) was formed in 2016 to promote the development of coaching psychology as a professional activity, and clarify the benefits of psychological approaches within coaching practice. We are committed to fostering excellence in coaching practice through events, discussions, research, publications, and professional development. To this end, SPS Coaching Psychology SIG exists to support members in their professional development and facilitate the deepening of networks among practitioners in coaching psychology.
The British Psychological Society Division of Coaching Psychology supports coaching psychologists, psychologists from other disciplines, coaches, individuals and organisations through a range activities designed to promote excellence in coaching practice. Our activities include publications (The Coaching Psychologist and The International Coaching Psychology Review), conferences and events, sharing and supporting best practice and research, and providing professional development opportunities.

The COPC (Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya) is the Official Psychology Society of Catalonia, an integral member of the General Psychology Council of Spain. COPC’s Coaching Psychology Section, with more than 500 members who are organized by working groups, is dedicated to the professionalism and development of coaching psychology. This section was established in 2012, though its beginnings date to 2008, when a working group from the Work and Organisational Psychology Section explored the relationship between coaching and psychology, with a spirit of integration.

The Coaching Psychology Special Interest Group (CPSIG), a special interest group under the auspice of NZ Psychological Society, was established at the end of 2009. CPSIG aims to further the awareness, discipline and profession of coaching psychology in Aotearoa/New Zealand and beyond.

We are a community that is passionate about supervision and the benefits we know supervision brings. As clients benefit from a space to reflect, we believe coaches will also benefit. The Association of Coaching Supervision encourages coaches, mentors, coaching psychologists and supervisors worldwide:
To be: Challenged, supported, further educated and informed
To work: Ethically, globally, respectfully and at their very best.

The Psychological Society of Ireland, Special Interest Group in Coaching Psychology welcomes psychologists from a wide spectrum of domains, as well as likeminded professionals from outside of psychology as associate members.
Contact: Coaching coaching@psychologicalsociety.ie
Company sponsors
We thank company sponsors for supporting our congress. Our thanks to the National Wellbeing Service Ltd for providing their virtual events system.

The National Wellbeing Service Ltd (NWS) has been set up by a group of psychologists and health educators who want to provide up-to-date wellbeing-related information, guidance and research to the public and health professionals. The NWS publishes five academic peer reviewed journals that are sponsored by professional bodies including International Journal of Coaching Psychology and the European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. The NWS also provides a virtual events platform and website for the International Society for Coaching Psychology, the Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and Coaching at Work Ltd.

The National Academy of Coaching Psychology Ltd (NACP) undertakes research and provides practice supervision for coaches and psychologists in training for accreditation. With our affiliated centres, we run continuing professional development programmes and conferences. We offer a free membership subscription to a range of academy resources for psychologists and coaches interested or working in the field of coaching and coaching psychology.
We run a knowledge based website to enable researchers and practitioners to find information on the theory, research and practice of coaching psychology. You can become free subscribers or general members of the NACP by signing up on our main membership website.
Directors of the National Academy of Coaching Psychology Ltd include award winning psychologists, Prof Stephen Palmer and Dr Siobhain O’Riordan.

Established in 2005, Coaching at Work offers a range of carefully curated, high calibre, fit-for-purpose CPD for executive and internal coach/mentoring practitioners, OD/HR/L&D coaching/mentoring champions & coaching/mentoring academics, including through:
An award-winning bi-monthly magazine edited by coach and award-winning journalist Liz Hall
The Coaching at Work Academy which delivers events such as sell-out annual conferences & master classes on hot topics such as neuroscience, leadership & resilience. This year’s virtual conference is on 17th November.
Access to a vast global online community.
In addition, we offer a public Coach Directory and run a 24/7 radio station, Coaching at Work Radio.
We have close links with all the main professional bodies & academics but we’re fully independent, following our management buy-out in 2009 from the CIPD (although the editor Liz Hall has been with us since the launch in 2005).

The Centre for Coaching, 2001-2022, is celebrating 21 years of providing recognised, accredited and approved coach training programmes,
New to coaching or you have some experience as a coach and wish to attend a British Psychological Society Approved Coaching programme? The Centre for Coaching 5-day intensive IAFPD Certificate in Coaching programme is one solution. It introduces students to the GROW model and also evidence based Cognitive-Behavioural approach to coaching developed by the Centre’s Directors and trainers. Our courses are now run over the Zoom Platform.
Our Association for Coaching Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coaching is a pathway towards the prestigious AC accreditation.