14th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2024
3rd ISCP Italy Research Hub Symposium
In the 3rd ISCP Italy Research Hub Symposium, SCP Italy will share the research updates in the three active streams: AI, Coach self-efficacy, and Ecopsychology. The symposium forms part of the 14th International Congress of Coaching Psychology and will be held on 11th October, 2024.
Conference Symposium Session
AI Research Stream
The Generative AI of the Coaching Psychologist Bot in Coaches’ Reflective Practice: Results and Future Perspectives
Maria Rita Fiasco, Roberto Gilli, Angela Di Rienzo e Silvana Dini
After developing the Coaching Psychologist Bot (CPBot1), designed to assist coaches in their post-session reflective practice (2nd ISCP Italy Research Hub Symposium, 2023), this year we present the results of an experiment conducted with a group of coaches in training (30 coaches out a total of about 60), that had conducted at least 4 self-reflective sessions). The post-session conversations with CPBot1 were analyzed to generate individual reports, revealing significant advancements in participants’ self-reflection and metacognitive awareness.
Data were processed using the AI Claude Sonnet 3.5 software by Anthropic, as part of a broader study conducted by the ISCP Italy Research Hub, aimed at exploring the impact of AI on the coach-coachee relationship.
During the presentation, the experimental data will be shown, along with the evolution of the metacognitive experience. This practice encourages coaches to learn from their sessions and approach future interactions with greater awareness and precision, contributing to an overall improvement in coaching relationships and strengthening the professional growth of coaches.
In addition, the second phase of the experiment will be launched, CPBot2, designed specifically for coachees. The goal of this next phase is to integrate reflective practice into the coachees’ path of self-awareness and learning, further enhancing the effectiveness of the coach-coachee relationship and providing new tools for continuous improvement and growth.

Maria Rita Fiasco, SCP Italy Affiliate Member
Entrepreneur, Coach, and Founder of Gruppo Pragma (Trieste, Italia). With over 20 years of experience as a digital entrepreneur, she specializes in digital learning and knowledge management. Her mission is to help companies navigate digital transformation and change effectively by strengthening their human capital. Her company, based in AREA Science Park, Trieste, one of Europe’s largest scientific and technological parks, is a trailblazing ‘human-tech’ enterprise. In their R&D lab, the company has developed advanced AI-based platforms for learning and coaching. Ongoing research focuses on harnessing data and machine learning techniques intelligently. As a coach, she has played a pivotal role in significant coaching projects leveraging digital technology.

Roberto Gilli, Research & Innovation Advisor – Gruppo Pragma
Researcher, AI Expert, and Start-upper Roberto Gilli is an accomplished project and product manager, highly focused on driving digital innovation. He boasts extensive experience in conversation design and development (text and voice), e-learning, information systems, and innovative applications involving software agents, data science, and artificial intelligence. He has been delving into conversational technologies and interfaces (CUI – conversational user interfaces), including chatbots and “voice-first” applications, for many years. Since 2022, he has been actively developing with OpenAI Language Models, GPT, and other cutting-edge technologies.
Coach Self Efficacy Research Stream
Testing the Self-Efficacy Coaching Model in Italy: Does training enhance coaches’ self-efficacy?
Diana Aguiar Vieira, Angela Di Rienzo, Silvia Ramirez Pizarro, Francesca Quintiliani, Silvana Dini
The significance of self-efficacy in the field of coaching psychology is well documented in the scientific literature. Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory and related research indicate that stronger self-efficacy beliefs in a particular skill are associated with improved performance. The Self-Efficacy Coaching Model posits that coaching training influences the self-efficacy of coaches. This study aims to investigate the influence of training on self-efficacy. The longitudinal sample consists of 23 Italian participants, the majority of whom are female (78%). The age distribution of the participants was younger than 30 years (26%), 31-40 years (13%), 41-50 years (44%) and 50 years or older (17%). All participants completed the Italian version of the Coaching Skills Self-Efficacy Scale (CSSES-IT) before and after a 7-month coaching training program. As expected, coaches’ self-efficacy showed an increase from T1 to T2. These findings provide further support to the Self-Efficacy Coaching Model. Implications for practice and research are discussed.

Diana Aguiar Vieira, PhD
Diana Aguiar Vieira, PhD is a Psychologist, coach, and Associate Professor at the Porto Accounting and Business School (ISCAP), Polytechnic of Porto (P. PORTO), Portugal. Founder and coordinator of the Coaching, Career, and Personal Development Unit (2011-2018) and the Alumni Office (2012-2018), both at ISCAP. Founder of the ICAReAlumni community (https://icarealumni.com/) and former Pro-Rector of P. PORTO (2013-2018) for the Alumni Strategy, Consulting Editor for the International Journal of Coaching Psychology and the European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology”. She developed the Coaching Skills Self-Efficacy Scale (CSSES; Vieira, 2011) and her research on coaching has been guided by the Self-Efficacy Coaching Model. Her site (www.beyou-bemore.com) aims to share her knowledge with the general public.
Ecopsychology Research Stream
Comparison of the Effects of Walk-and-Talk Coaching versus Sit-and-Talk Coaching: A Pilot Study
Liana Catani (MSCPItaly), Angela Di Rienzo, Francesco Giustiniani, Ileana Moriconi, Silvana Dini
We present the outcomes of a pilot study on coaching sessions conducted while walking in a green space. The pilot study is part of the SCP Italy research initiative, which aims to compare the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral effects of Walk-and-Talk Coaching versus Sit-and-Talk Coaching.
Following the completion of this pilot study, our intention is to expand the study with a sufficient number of cases to reliably assess any differences in the impact between Walk-and-Talk Coaching and Sit-and-Talk Coaching on the measured emotional, cognitive and behavioural variables.
The primary objectives of this study are so:
- To evaluate the clarity and completeness of the research protocol for the coaches involved.
- To assess the suitability of the survey instruments used to measure variables in both coachees and coaches.
In particular, the research team presents:
- The set of survey instruments selected and tested,
- The research protocol for the coaches, including an information and communication toolkit for both coaches and coachees,
- The data and insights gathered from the case studies,
- The work protocol designed and tested to ensure compliance with ethical research standards.

Liana Catani, PhD. SCPItaly
Senior consultant in People, Culture, and Organisational Development. Psychologist. Psychological Coaching Practitioner and Researcher. Psychotherapist. Has more than 30 years of international experience in improving and developing people and organizations, both profit and non-profit. She started her professional career as a trainer and researcher in consulting companies and psychosocial research institutes; and has collaborated as a researcher and lecturer on study projects at the Universities of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ and Urbino. She has gained extensive corporate experience in managing the engagement and growth of people in global organizations.